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Easy DIY Pom-Pom Garland for Any Occassion

We have a beautifully hand crafted storage bench that was gifted to us in our kitchen that I have been decorating to match the season and/or holiday. For Valentine's Day, I had purchased a simple red and white pom-pom garland which went on to become the inspiration for this post. Pom-pom's are a fairly simple craft to make, the supplies and cost are minimal, and there are various colors of yarn available to choose from. I was looking to incorporate colors to compliment my kitchen, and celebrate St. Patrick's Day and Easter/Spring.

Here is how to make a simple DIY Pom-Pom Garland.

To start, gather your supplies:

Chunky yarn (about 3 rolls) / pom-pom makers / twill / upholstery needle / glue gun / scissors. I used a 50% Off Coupon from Joanne's and purchased a Clover Pom-Pom Maker (seen below).

I also used a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby to purchase the yarn and twill.

Open up the pom-pom maker and wrap the yarn round and round the first side (the more your wrap, the fuller your pom-pom will be). Once the first side is full, string your yarn across to the other side and wrap (see above pictures).

Fold the sides in together and trim through the center to cut the yarn. You'll want to keep the pom-pom maker closed so you don't loose the yarn. Cut a strand of yarn a little bit longer than the circumference of the pom-pom maker (this will be used to wrap around the center to hold the pom-pom together). Tie the piece of yarn extra tight around the center of the pom-pom maker, and then pull apart the pom-pom maker until the pom-pom comes free.

Use a pair of scissors to trim the long pieces of yarn and then fluff. I made a total of 12 pom-poms (4 in each color). Thread the needle with the twill and string through the center of the pom-pom. I also used a glue gun to glue the twill to strand of yarn.


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